sábado, 29 de junho de 2019

Prayer to Being - Let Us Contemplate

Prayer to Being - Let Us Contemplate

Eternal, Pure, Groundless, Death and Birth Free
Pervasive, ever Immaculate
Distant, Near, Enveloping Effulgence of Void,
The Support of all, the Fullness of Bliss.

The Cit-Form beyond thought and speech,
That which thus stood,
The Expanse Vast that generates Bliss
Let us contemplate.

As the Thought behind whatever thought the mind thinks,
Filling all things in undifferentiated accord
As their Life of Life;
Gushing forth the ambrosial waters of Divine Bliss
For the devotees true,
Revealing of Itself by giving Itself
As Formless and Attributeless,
That Great Siddhanta Light
That is the Benevolent ParaParam
Let us contemplate.

As expanse vast,
As the source of elements five
As the origin of the silentness vast,
As the Bliss that is beyond the reach
Of mind and categories rest,
As that which when revealed by Grace of Guru
Envelopes them in purity and yet recedes from them afar,
That which thus is immanent in all
That Substance
Let us contemplate.

The Life of Life of this world and that;
The kindred of them
That have lost the sense of I and mine;
The unattached perception
That is the Eternal Perfect Bliss.
The life that is void,
The matter that flows within the heart,
The triple-fruit delicious,
The candy sweet,
The ambrosia divine.
Let us seek that Substance
And with eyes streaming pearls of tears
And hands clasped in adoration
Let us contemplate.

No caste, no family, no birth, no death
No bondage, no liberation,
No form, no formlessness,
No name --
With name of all these,
The Light that moves all and everywhere
Immanent and pervasive,
The Pure Expanse Vast,
The Experience filled with turiya
Consciousness bereft of mentation
The Benevolent Substance that is the Finite Param,
In unalloyed Grace abounding
Let us contemplate.

"This world is but an Indrajal, a dream, a mirage.
And so realizing
May thou live eternally close to the Tatpara
That is not overwhelmed by Chitpara.
May the waters of Bliss flood your thoughts
Uninterrupted day after day" --

Thus did he the Guru Mauni bless me --
Those hallowed feet of his, day and night,
Let us contemplate.

As the Primal Substance of all
That are known as substances;
As the consciousness behind them.
As the nectar rich,
When bibed, end the miseries
Of the loving devotees that gain the perception lucid.
As the Perfect Bliss that makes no distinction

As existing within the Self and without.
As the Substance that shines
Dispelling darkness entire;
That Substance,
Let us in meekness adore.

As the crowning meaning of Vedas rare;
As the perfection beyond the perception of celestials;
Of munis great, siddhas pure and the rest.
As the treasure that transcends cause;
As the immanence of fragrance
In flower, oil in sesamum seed and life within.
As the great Substance
Ever abiding in the center of turiya consciousness of purity --
That Substance,
Let us adore.

As the Empty Spaces Vast
That contained within it
The sky and the rest of elements five;
As the Sea of Bliss
In the vision of those
Who saw with the eyes of jnana
As He who in compassion makes me
His own Self;
Lest I think of anything else,
For that God,
Whose benevolent Grace cherishing at heart
Let us raise our hands in adoration deep.

The Infinite Expanse that filled the heavens;
The Delicious Ambrosia that filled at once
The expanse of my mind and the expanse of nana;
Oh! Thou the Great One that is Bliss Perpetual.

With heart surging in love and melting within;
With words faltering in joyous confusion;
With eyes streaming tears
And hands folded in meekness,
Let us Thy Grace contemplate.

The Being Primal that has neither beginning nor end,
The foster mother that in endearment excessive reared me,
The righteous Guru that blesses,
The Certainty beyond thought
The Purity unalloyed,
The Holy of Holies,
The Object beyond the reach of contending faiths,
The Effulgences that stood as Void for the munis of silentness,
My life's dear support --

That I seek and adore
With tears gushing
And hands in reverence folded.

As (all that is denoted by) the alphabet entire beginning with "A",
And different from them too,
As (all that has form) the universe vast;
As all that bears description any
And (all that which) does not bear too;
As Param (the Pervasive);
And as beyond speech;
As Nana pure, untouched by doubts and changes;
As Purity:
As the peerless Pasu-Pati --

That Substance we seek.
And sighing deep in love exceeding
We contemplate.


quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2019

Spirit and energy should be clear as the night air

Spirit and energy should be clear as the night air;
In the soundless is the ultimate pleasure all along.
Where there's reality in illusion
Is illusion in reality,
For the while playing with magical birth
In the silver bowl.

Sun Buer

terça-feira, 25 de junho de 2019

If there are mountains, I look at the mountains

If there are mountains, I look at the mountains;
On rainy days I listen to the rain.
Spring, summer, autumn, winter.
Tomorrow too will be good.
Tonight too will be good.

Santoka Taneda

quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2019

Tenho trinta e nove anos

Tenho trinta e nove anos
A lua está quase cheia
E sou ainda uma criança

Matsuo Bashô

domingo, 16 de junho de 2019

The River of Love

The River of Love

Khusro! the river of love has a reverse flow
He who enters will drown, he who drowns will get across.

Amir Khusrow Dehlawi

quarta-feira, 12 de junho de 2019

segunda-feira, 10 de junho de 2019

The flower invites the butterfly with no-mind

The flower invites the butterfly with no-mind;
The butterfly visits the flower with no-mind.
The flower opens, the butterfly comes;
The butterfly comes, the flower opens.
I don't know others,
Others don't know me.
By not-knowing we follow nature's course.


sábado, 8 de junho de 2019

The Union of Shiva and Shakti

The Union of Shiva and Shakti

I offer obeisance to the God and Goddess,
The limitless primal parents of the universe.

They are not entirely the same,
Nor are they not the same.
We cannot say exactly what they are.

How sweet is their union!
The whole world is too small to contain them,
Yet they live happily in the smallest particle.

These two are the only ones
Who dwell in this home called the universe.
When the Master of the house sleeps,
The Mistress stays awake,
And performs the functions of both.

When He awakes, the whole house disappears,
And nothing at all is left.

Two lutes: one note.
Two flowers: one fragrance.
Two lamps: one light.

Two lips: one word.
Two eyes: one sight.
These two: one universe.

In unity there is little to behold;
So She, the mother of abundance,
Brought forth the world as play.

He takes the role of Witness
Out of love of watching Her.
But when Her appearance is withdrawn,
The role of Witness is abandoned as well.

Through Her,
He assumes the form of the universe;
Without Her,
He is left naked.

If night and day were to approach the Sun,
Both would disappear.
In the same way, their duality would vanish
If their essential Unity were seen.

In fact, the duality of Shiva and Shakti
Cannot exist in that primal unitive state
From which AUM emanates.

They are like a stream of knowledge
From which a knower cannot drink
Unless he gives up himself.

Is the sound of AUM divided into three
Simply because it contains three letters?
Or is the letter 'N' divided into three
because of the three lines by which it is formed?

So long as Unity is undisturbed,
And a graceful pleasure is thereby derived,
Why should not the water find delight
In the floral fragrance of its own rippled surface?

It is in this manner I bow
To the inseparable Shiva and Shakti.

A man returns to himself
When he awakens from sleep;
Likewise, I have perceived the God and Goddess
By waking from my ego.

When salt dissolves,
It becomes one with the ocean;
When my ego dissolved,
I became one with Shiva and Shakti.
