segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2020

I stand in the mountain stream

I stand in the mountain stream
So pure! The splashing sound of water against the stone
Yet where is the person
Who with such purity can speak of the Way

Morihei Ueshiba

quinta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2020

sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2020

Long seeking it through others

Long seeking it through others,
I was far from reaching it.
Now I go by myself;
I meet it everywhere.
It is just I myself,
And I am not itself.
Understanding this way,
I can be as I am.

Tung-Shan (Tozan)

segunda-feira, 24 de agosto de 2020

hands drop

hands drop
all things on the ground-
the clear water

Fukuda Chiyo-ni

One instant is eternity

One instant is eternity;
eternity is the now.
When you see through this one instant,
you see through the one who sees.

Wu Men Hui-K'ai

quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2020

The plants and flowers

The plants and flowers
I raised about my hut
I now surrender
To the will
Of the wind


quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2020

When it comes - just so!

When it comes - just so!
When it goes - just so!
Both coming and going occur each day.
The words I am speaking now - just so!

Musho Josho

domingo, 28 de junho de 2020

True person manifest throughout the ten quarters of the world

The true person is
Not anyone in particular;
But, like the deep blue color
Of the limitless sky,
It is everyone, everywhere in the world.

Eihei Dogen

quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2020



It is said that before entering the sea a river trembles with fear.
She looks back at the path she has traveled, from the peaks of the mountains, the long winding road crossing forests and villages.
And in front of her, she sees an ocean so vast, that to enter there seems nothing more than to disappear forever.
But there is no other way. The river can not go back.
Nobody can go back. To go back is impossible in existence.
The river needs to take the risk of entering the ocean because only then will fear disappear, because that’s where the river will know it’s not about disappearing into the ocean, but of becoming the ocean.

Khalil Gibran

domingo, 24 de maio de 2020

No me: Dharmas all

No me: Dharmas all

Death, Life, small
Heart of mystery's
know, and see.

The Truth cries out
where the arrow strikes the target.

Hui K'O

Wrapped, surrounded by ten thousand mountains

Wrapped, surrounded by ten thousand mountains,
Cut off, no place to go....
Until you're here, there's no way to get here.
Once you're here, there's no way to go.

Yuan Mei

quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2020

The Rythm of Life

The Rythm of Life

I live in life
Ideas cannot hold me

I move with life
Ideals cannot contain me

I breathe in life
Knowledge cannot arrest me

I am the rythm of life
Time cannot bind me

I am the perfume of life
Duality cannot catch me

I am one with life
Death cannot kill me

Vimala Thakar

sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

A présent que ta beauté a rempli l'âme et le monde

A présent que ta beauté a rempli l'âme et le monde
Porquoi demeurer assis dans la maison?
Le jour où tu es devenu la lune, ne savais-tu pas
Que tu serais célèbre dans tout l'univers?


domingo, 29 de março de 2020

Quando Yü-k’o pinta bambus

Quando Yü-k’o pinta bambus
Tudo é bambu, nada é gente
Diz-se que não vê as pessoas?
Tão pouco se vê a si mesmo:
Absorto, bambu se torna
Um bambu que cresce e cresce
Desaparecido Chuang-tzu, quem mais tem
Este poder de ir-se sem se mover?

Su Dongpo

sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2020

There is nothing you can see that is not a flower

There is nothing you can see that is not a flower; 
there is nothing you can think that is not the moon.

 Matsuo Basho

sexta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2020

O mon coeur, à chaque instant

O mon coeur, à chaque instant comme la poussière tu voles dans le vent
Tu mets ton âme dans la main du chagrin, et tu deviens heureux
Cette fois, tu es dans le feu, et je t'y laisse
Peut-être que cet accident te rendra subtil.
