domingo, 25 de agosto de 2024

junto ao nobre templo

Junto ao nobre templo
na casa da floresta
e o corvo gritou-
está na hora das limpezas!

R y o k a n

quarta-feira, 29 de maio de 2024

Mesmo não tendo forma

Mesmo não tendo forma

os meus olhos viram-no,

a sua glória é fogo na minha mente

que conhece

a sua forma interior secreta

inventada pela alma.

O que está

para além da mente

não tem limites.

Lá, os nossos sentidos cessam.

Mukta diz: As palavras não o podem conter

no entanto, todas as palavras estão nele.


quinta-feira, 9 de maio de 2024

o meu alaúde ao lado

o meu alaúde ao lado

sobre a mesa pequena

medito preguiçosamente

em sentimentos de apreço

a razão pela qual não me preocupo 

em dedilhar e tocar?

existe uma brisa sobre as cordas

e ele toca por si

Po Chu-i

segunda-feira, 6 de maio de 2024

domingo, 24 de dezembro de 2023

Onde me procuras, amiga?

Onde me procuras, amigo?

Estou aqui contigo

Não estou no ídolo,

nem na peregrinação,

nem no isolamento

nos confins do mundo,

nem no templo,

nem na mesquita,

nem na Kaaba,

nem no Monte Kailash

Estou em ti, amigo

Estou aqui, em ti

Nem na oração

ou nas austeridades

nem na disciplina ou no jejum.

Não estou nas boas acções,

nem no yoga ou na renúncia.

Nem no prana nem no pindala,

nem no éter de Brahma.

Nem no Dharma nem no Karma.

Aqui nem Vedas nem puja.

Eu estou em todos os sopros dos sopros.

Aquilo que procuras

Num instante o encontrarás

Kabir diz-te

Eu estou na fé.


(tradução para o francês Michel Guay.

tradução do francês para português europeu kotoba.taki)

segunda-feira, 20 de novembro de 2023

quinta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2023

Será que me procuras?

 Será que me procuras?

Estou sentado a teu lado

o meu ombro toca o teu...

Não me procures no templo

ou na mesquita tão-pouco

nos rituais ou na renúncia

Se realmente me procuras

mais cedo ou mais tarde


Sou eu que respiro

quando respiras.


(versão de Jorge Sousa Braga)

sexta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2023

aquietar o corpo

aquietar o corpo
aquietar a mente
aquietar a voz interior

em silêncio
sentir a quietude mover-se

este sentimento
não pode ser imaginado

(traduzido do inglês KotobaTaki)

sábado, 1 de julho de 2023

If you've melted your desires

If you've melted your desires

in the river of time, choose

to be a recluse, or choose

a family, the village job.

If you know the pure Lord within you,

you'll be That, wherever.


quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2023

Estadia num templo antigo

Estadia num templo antigo:

A noite terminou, o quarto está vazio.

O frio cortante impediu-me de sonhar;

Sentado em silêncio, espero o sino do templo tocar.


tradução John Stevens
tradução livre para português kotoba-taki

domingo, 1 de janeiro de 2023

Day and night the cold wind blows through

Day and night the cold wind blows through

my robe.

In the forest, only fallen leaves;

Wild chrysanthemums can no longer be seen.

Next to my hermitage there is an ancient bamboo grove;

Never changing, it awaits my return.


tradução John Stevens

quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2022

Nós, as folhas murmurantes

 Nós, as folhas murmurantes,

temos uma voz que responde ao temporal,

mas quem és tu, assim tão silenciosa?

- Eu sou apenas uma flor.

Rabindranath Tagore

(trad. Joaquim Palma)

domingo, 3 de abril de 2022

The Tao moves the other way


The Tao moves the other way

the Tao works through weakness

the things of this world come from something

something comes from nothing.

Lao Tzu (tradução Bill Porter)

quarta-feira, 9 de março de 2022

sexta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2021

Returning home after a day of begging

Returning home after a day of begging;
Sage has covered my door.
Now a bunch of green leaves burns together with the firewood.
Silently I read the poems of Kanzan,
Accompanied by the autumn wind blowing a light rain that rustles through the reeds.
I stretch out both feet and lie down.
What is there to think about? What is there to doubt?


quarta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2021

Le Soi, contenu en Soi

 Le Soi, contenu en Soi,

Faisant appel à Soi pour la révélation du Soi

C'est cela le bonheur.

Ma Ananda Moyî

sexta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2021

Express yourself completely

2 3 

Express yourself completely,

then keep quiet.

Be like the forces of nature:

when it blows, there is only wind;

when it rains, there is only rain;

when the clouds pass, the sun shines through.

If you open yourself to the Tao,

you are at one with the Tao

and you can embody it completely.

If you open yourself to insight,

you are at one with insight

and you can use it completely.

If you open yourself to loss,

you are at one with loss

and you can accept it completely.

Open yourself to the Tao,

then trust your natural responses;

and everything will fall into place.

Lao Tzu (tradução Stephen Mitchell)

domingo, 26 de setembro de 2021

Beyond Silence

Beyond Silence

Blue-green spring water,
white moonlit mountain.

Quiet wisdom of the spirit:
empty gaze beyond silence.

Han-shan [Cold Mountain]

segunda-feira, 13 de setembro de 2021

A cold night—sitting alone in my empty room

A cold night—sitting alone in my empty room

Filled only with incense smoke.

Outside, a bamboo grove of a hundred trees;

On the bed, several volumes of poetry.

The moon shines through the top of the window,

And the entire neighborhood is still except for the cry of insects.

Looking at this scene, limitless emotion,

But not one word.


sexta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2021

Standing alone beneath a solitary pine

Standing alone beneath a solitary pine;

Quickly the time passes.

Overhead the endless sky—

Who can I call to join me on this path?


terça-feira, 22 de junho de 2021

Bright, bright, and bright, bright, bright, and bright, bright

Bright, bright, and bright, bright, bright, and bright, bright.
Bright and bright, bright, and bright, bright moon.


sexta-feira, 4 de junho de 2021

The birds have vanished down the sky

The birds have vanished down the sky.

Now the last cloud drains away.

We sit together, the mountain and me,

until only the mountain remains.

Li Po

domingo, 23 de maio de 2021

domingo, 25 de abril de 2021

Listening to the evening rain in my hermitage

Listening to the evening rain in my hermitage.
The Great Way? I braid spring flowers into a ball.
The future? If a visitor brings these questions
I have only the tranquillity of the hermitage to offer.


In the empty doorway many petals are scattered

In the empty doorway many petals are scattered;
As they fall they blend with the song of the birds.
Slowly, the bright spring sun appears in the window
And a thin line of smoke drifts from the incense burner.


quarta-feira, 7 de abril de 2021

Je cueille des chrysanthèmes au pied de la haie

Je cueille des chrysanthèmes au pied de la haie,
Et contemple en silence la montagne du Sud.
L’air de la montagne est pur dans le crépuscule,
Et les oiseaux, par bandes, regagnent leur nid.
Toutes ces choses ont un sens profond,
Mais lorsque j’essaie de l’exprimer,
Il se perd dans le silence.

Tao Yuanming

sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2021

terça-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2021

Une tasse est tombée sur le sol

Une tasse est tombée sur le sol
Emettant un son d'une grande clarté.
L'espace se pulvérisa et
L'esprit fou d'un coup s'arrêta.


sábado, 23 de janeiro de 2021

The Great Way has no Gate

The Great Way has no gate

The Great Way has no gate,
A thousand roads enter it.
When one passes through this gateless gate,
He freely walks between heaven and earth.

Wu Men Hui-K'ai

segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2020

I stand in the mountain stream

I stand in the mountain stream
So pure! The splashing sound of water against the stone
Yet where is the person
Who with such purity can speak of the Way

Morihei Ueshiba

quinta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2020

sexta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2020

Long seeking it through others

Long seeking it through others,
I was far from reaching it.
Now I go by myself;
I meet it everywhere.
It is just I myself,
And I am not itself.
Understanding this way,
I can be as I am.

Tung-Shan (Tozan)

segunda-feira, 24 de agosto de 2020

hands drop

hands drop
all things on the ground-
the clear water

Fukuda Chiyo-ni

One instant is eternity

One instant is eternity;
eternity is the now.
When you see through this one instant,
you see through the one who sees.

Wu Men Hui-K'ai

quinta-feira, 30 de julho de 2020

quarta-feira, 22 de julho de 2020

When it comes - just so!

When it comes - just so!
When it goes - just so!
Both coming and going occur each day.
The words I am speaking now - just so!

Musho Josho

domingo, 28 de junho de 2020

True person manifest throughout the ten quarters of the world

The true person is
Not anyone in particular;
But, like the deep blue color
Of the limitless sky,
It is everyone, everywhere in the world.

Eihei Dogen

quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2020



It is said that before entering the sea a river trembles with fear.
She looks back at the path she has traveled, from the peaks of the mountains, the long winding road crossing forests and villages.
And in front of her, she sees an ocean so vast, that to enter there seems nothing more than to disappear forever.
But there is no other way. The river can not go back.
Nobody can go back. To go back is impossible in existence.
The river needs to take the risk of entering the ocean because only then will fear disappear, because that’s where the river will know it’s not about disappearing into the ocean, but of becoming the ocean.

Khalil Gibran

domingo, 24 de maio de 2020

No me: Dharmas all

No me: Dharmas all

Death, Life, small
Heart of mystery's
know, and see.

The Truth cries out
where the arrow strikes the target.

Hui K'O

Wrapped, surrounded by ten thousand mountains

Wrapped, surrounded by ten thousand mountains,
Cut off, no place to go....
Until you're here, there's no way to get here.
Once you're here, there's no way to go.

Yuan Mei

quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2020

The Rythm of Life

The Rythm of Life

I live in life
Ideas cannot hold me

I move with life
Ideals cannot contain me

I breathe in life
Knowledge cannot arrest me

I am the rythm of life
Time cannot bind me

I am the perfume of life
Duality cannot catch me

I am one with life
Death cannot kill me

Vimala Thakar

sábado, 25 de abril de 2020

A présent que ta beauté a rempli l'âme et le monde

A présent que ta beauté a rempli l'âme et le monde
Porquoi demeurer assis dans la maison?
Le jour où tu es devenu la lune, ne savais-tu pas
Que tu serais célèbre dans tout l'univers?


domingo, 29 de março de 2020

Quando Yü-k’o pinta bambus

Quando Yü-k’o pinta bambus
Tudo é bambu, nada é gente
Diz-se que não vê as pessoas?
Tão pouco se vê a si mesmo:
Absorto, bambu se torna
Um bambu que cresce e cresce
Desaparecido Chuang-tzu, quem mais tem
Este poder de ir-se sem se mover?

Su Dongpo

sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2020

There is nothing you can see that is not a flower

There is nothing you can see that is not a flower; 
there is nothing you can think that is not the moon.

 Matsuo Basho

sexta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2020

O mon coeur, à chaque instant

O mon coeur, à chaque instant comme la poussière tu voles dans le vent
Tu mets ton âme dans la main du chagrin, et tu deviens heureux
Cette fois, tu es dans le feu, et je t'y laisse
Peut-être que cet accident te rendra subtil.


segunda-feira, 25 de novembro de 2019

sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2019

The soul, like the moon

The soul, like the moon

The soul, like the moon,
is now, and always new again.

And I have seen the ocean
continuously creating.

Since I scoured my mind
and my body, I too, Lalla,
am new, each moment new.

My teacher told me one thing,
live in the soul.

When that was so,
I began to go naked,
and dance.


segunda-feira, 30 de setembro de 2019

Immersing himself in the supreme reality

Immersing himself in the supreme reality, 
clearly aware that consciousness is all things, 
the yogi’s consciousness vibrates. 
This vibration is the Great Pervasion.


domingo, 22 de setembro de 2019

Ninguém compreendeu ainda

Ninguém compreendeu ainda
o mistério do grande tecelão
que criou o mundo

Da terra e do céu
fez o seu tear
Os fios são os raios
do sol e da lua

Destruí o meu tear
e entrancei o meu fio
com o dele


sexta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2019

From the peak

From the peak
Of Mt. Tsukuba
Minanogawa River flow down.
Love accumulates
And becomes a pool.

Emperor Yozei

domingo, 11 de agosto de 2019

Escrito ao chegar ao pombal de Pei Ti

Isolado, no conforto do interior do lar,
mas de olhos cheios de nuvens e montanhas.

O sol poente desce com as aves,
no início do Outono, solitário, o coração em paz.

Lá longe, na orla da floresta,
esconde-se o alpendre do meu lar.

Tu sabes como eu gosto de passear ao luar,
deixa, por isso, sempre, para mim, o teu portal aberto.

Wang Wei

sábado, 27 de julho de 2019

terça-feira, 23 de julho de 2019

This Union

This union you want
With the earth and sky,
This union we all need with love,
A golden wing from God's heart just touched the ground,
Step upon it with your brave sun-vows
And help our eyes
To  Dance!


quarta-feira, 17 de julho de 2019

The Guest is inside you and also inside me

The Guest is inside you and also inside me.
The sprout is there hidden inside the seed.
We are all struggling, none of us has gone far.
Let your arrogance go and look around inside.
The blue sky opens out further and further,
The daily sense of failure fades away…
The damage I have done myself becomes preparation
And a million suns come forward with light.
I hear bells ringing that no one has shaken -
Inside "love" there is more joy than we know.
Rain pours down through a clear sky
And the rivers of light are full.
The ocean of this being knows a fathomless love -
That is the fulfillment of life in this body.
Those who hope to be reasonable about it fail.
The arrogance of reason has parted us from love -
With the word "reason" you are already lost,
Feeling thousands of miles from where you are.
How lucky is Kabir, surrounded by all this joy;
He sings inside his own little boat -
His poems are about a soul meeting itself;
They amount to forgetting buying and loss,
They flow beyond coming and going.


segunda-feira, 8 de julho de 2019

Not going, not coming

Not going, not coming,
rooted, deep and still,
not reaching out, not reaching in,
just resting, at the center.
The single jewel, the flawless crystal drop,
in the blaze of its brilliance,
the way beyond.

Shih Te 

sexta-feira, 5 de julho de 2019

Há o início

Há o início.
Há o que havia antes do início.
Há o que havia antes de haver o que havia antes do início.
Há a existência.
Há a não existência.
Há o que havia antes da não existência.
Há o que havia antes de haver o que havia antes da não-existência.

Subitamente, passou a existir a não-existência.
Mas, nessa existência da não-existência,
não entendo o que é que de facto existia ou não existia.

Por isso, embora já tenha dito alguma coisa, não sei de que estou a falar.
Terei mesmo dito alguma coisa?
ou não disse nada?

Chuang Tse

sábado, 29 de junho de 2019

Prayer to Being - Let Us Contemplate

Prayer to Being - Let Us Contemplate

Eternal, Pure, Groundless, Death and Birth Free
Pervasive, ever Immaculate
Distant, Near, Enveloping Effulgence of Void,
The Support of all, the Fullness of Bliss.

The Cit-Form beyond thought and speech,
That which thus stood,
The Expanse Vast that generates Bliss
Let us contemplate.

As the Thought behind whatever thought the mind thinks,
Filling all things in undifferentiated accord
As their Life of Life;
Gushing forth the ambrosial waters of Divine Bliss
For the devotees true,
Revealing of Itself by giving Itself
As Formless and Attributeless,
That Great Siddhanta Light
That is the Benevolent ParaParam
Let us contemplate.

As expanse vast,
As the source of elements five
As the origin of the silentness vast,
As the Bliss that is beyond the reach
Of mind and categories rest,
As that which when revealed by Grace of Guru
Envelopes them in purity and yet recedes from them afar,
That which thus is immanent in all
That Substance
Let us contemplate.

The Life of Life of this world and that;
The kindred of them
That have lost the sense of I and mine;
The unattached perception
That is the Eternal Perfect Bliss.
The life that is void,
The matter that flows within the heart,
The triple-fruit delicious,
The candy sweet,
The ambrosia divine.
Let us seek that Substance
And with eyes streaming pearls of tears
And hands clasped in adoration
Let us contemplate.

No caste, no family, no birth, no death
No bondage, no liberation,
No form, no formlessness,
No name --
With name of all these,
The Light that moves all and everywhere
Immanent and pervasive,
The Pure Expanse Vast,
The Experience filled with turiya
Consciousness bereft of mentation
The Benevolent Substance that is the Finite Param,
In unalloyed Grace abounding
Let us contemplate.

"This world is but an Indrajal, a dream, a mirage.
And so realizing
May thou live eternally close to the Tatpara
That is not overwhelmed by Chitpara.
May the waters of Bliss flood your thoughts
Uninterrupted day after day" --

Thus did he the Guru Mauni bless me --
Those hallowed feet of his, day and night,
Let us contemplate.

As the Primal Substance of all
That are known as substances;
As the consciousness behind them.
As the nectar rich,
When bibed, end the miseries
Of the loving devotees that gain the perception lucid.
As the Perfect Bliss that makes no distinction

As existing within the Self and without.
As the Substance that shines
Dispelling darkness entire;
That Substance,
Let us in meekness adore.

As the crowning meaning of Vedas rare;
As the perfection beyond the perception of celestials;
Of munis great, siddhas pure and the rest.
As the treasure that transcends cause;
As the immanence of fragrance
In flower, oil in sesamum seed and life within.
As the great Substance
Ever abiding in the center of turiya consciousness of purity --
That Substance,
Let us adore.

As the Empty Spaces Vast
That contained within it
The sky and the rest of elements five;
As the Sea of Bliss
In the vision of those
Who saw with the eyes of jnana
As He who in compassion makes me
His own Self;
Lest I think of anything else,
For that God,
Whose benevolent Grace cherishing at heart
Let us raise our hands in adoration deep.

The Infinite Expanse that filled the heavens;
The Delicious Ambrosia that filled at once
The expanse of my mind and the expanse of nana;
Oh! Thou the Great One that is Bliss Perpetual.

With heart surging in love and melting within;
With words faltering in joyous confusion;
With eyes streaming tears
And hands folded in meekness,
Let us Thy Grace contemplate.

The Being Primal that has neither beginning nor end,
The foster mother that in endearment excessive reared me,
The righteous Guru that blesses,
The Certainty beyond thought
The Purity unalloyed,
The Holy of Holies,
The Object beyond the reach of contending faiths,
The Effulgences that stood as Void for the munis of silentness,
My life's dear support --

That I seek and adore
With tears gushing
And hands in reverence folded.

As (all that is denoted by) the alphabet entire beginning with "A",
And different from them too,
As (all that has form) the universe vast;
As all that bears description any
And (all that which) does not bear too;
As Param (the Pervasive);
And as beyond speech;
As Nana pure, untouched by doubts and changes;
As Purity:
As the peerless Pasu-Pati --

That Substance we seek.
And sighing deep in love exceeding
We contemplate.


quinta-feira, 27 de junho de 2019

Spirit and energy should be clear as the night air

Spirit and energy should be clear as the night air;
In the soundless is the ultimate pleasure all along.
Where there's reality in illusion
Is illusion in reality,
For the while playing with magical birth
In the silver bowl.

Sun Buer

terça-feira, 25 de junho de 2019

If there are mountains, I look at the mountains

If there are mountains, I look at the mountains;
On rainy days I listen to the rain.
Spring, summer, autumn, winter.
Tomorrow too will be good.
Tonight too will be good.

Santoka Taneda

quinta-feira, 20 de junho de 2019

domingo, 16 de junho de 2019

The River of Love

The River of Love

Khusro! the river of love has a reverse flow
He who enters will drown, he who drowns will get across.

Amir Khusrow Dehlawi

quarta-feira, 12 de junho de 2019

segunda-feira, 10 de junho de 2019

The flower invites the butterfly with no-mind

The flower invites the butterfly with no-mind;
The butterfly visits the flower with no-mind.
The flower opens, the butterfly comes;
The butterfly comes, the flower opens.
I don't know others,
Others don't know me.
By not-knowing we follow nature's course.


sábado, 8 de junho de 2019

The Union of Shiva and Shakti

The Union of Shiva and Shakti

I offer obeisance to the God and Goddess,
The limitless primal parents of the universe.

They are not entirely the same,
Nor are they not the same.
We cannot say exactly what they are.

How sweet is their union!
The whole world is too small to contain them,
Yet they live happily in the smallest particle.

These two are the only ones
Who dwell in this home called the universe.
When the Master of the house sleeps,
The Mistress stays awake,
And performs the functions of both.

When He awakes, the whole house disappears,
And nothing at all is left.

Two lutes: one note.
Two flowers: one fragrance.
Two lamps: one light.

Two lips: one word.
Two eyes: one sight.
These two: one universe.

In unity there is little to behold;
So She, the mother of abundance,
Brought forth the world as play.

He takes the role of Witness
Out of love of watching Her.
But when Her appearance is withdrawn,
The role of Witness is abandoned as well.

Through Her,
He assumes the form of the universe;
Without Her,
He is left naked.

If night and day were to approach the Sun,
Both would disappear.
In the same way, their duality would vanish
If their essential Unity were seen.

In fact, the duality of Shiva and Shakti
Cannot exist in that primal unitive state
From which AUM emanates.

They are like a stream of knowledge
From which a knower cannot drink
Unless he gives up himself.

Is the sound of AUM divided into three
Simply because it contains three letters?
Or is the letter 'N' divided into three
because of the three lines by which it is formed?

So long as Unity is undisturbed,
And a graceful pleasure is thereby derived,
Why should not the water find delight
In the floral fragrance of its own rippled surface?

It is in this manner I bow
To the inseparable Shiva and Shakti.

A man returns to himself
When he awakens from sleep;
Likewise, I have perceived the God and Goddess
By waking from my ego.

When salt dissolves,
It becomes one with the ocean;
When my ego dissolved,
I became one with Shiva and Shakti.


quinta-feira, 30 de maio de 2019

Watching the moon

Watching the moon
at midnight,
solitary, mid-sky,
I knew myself completely,
no part left out.

Izumi Shikibu

quinta-feira, 16 de maio de 2019

quarta-feira, 15 de maio de 2019